Sunday, November 9, 2014

What is flash and its parts

Definition of Flashdisk
Flash Disk is the storage media from floppy driveB other types generally have a memory capacity of 128 MB s / d 64 GB, using interface types USBC (Universal Serial Bus), very practical and lightweight with sizes ranging from 96 x 32 mm and at the back of the form rather lead out, used for storage of AAA batteries and LCD (for Features MP3, FM Tuner and Voice Recording) and a USB port that provided the lid is shaped the same as the main body. Flash disks including tools of data pemyimpanan NAND type flash memory (Commonly used in Digital Camera), there is also packed in a small size into Compact Flash, SD Cards, MMC, and the like.

Parts of the flash

1 USB connector
2 Storage Controller Devices
3 Points Test (dots Experiment)
4 Chip Flash Memory
5 Crystal Oscillator
6 Indicator Lights
7 Write-Protect Switch
8 Space For Flash memory to 2

Main Components :

  • Microcontroller

Flash memory :
Flash memory is a type of EEPROM that allows plenty of memory locations to be erased or written in one programming operation. Lay terms: a form of memory chip that can be written, unlike the RAM chips, and holds its data without the need for electricity supply.

How it Works :

1) connector is used to connect peripherals contained in the flash drive into the USB port for later access by the SO.
2) memory storage controller functions to control and provide a link to a Flash disk apparatus in charge of maintaining stability of the device. The controller contains a small RISC microprocessor and almost the same on the RAM.
3) Then Point this test work for the check and send the code to the microprocessor
4) Once we create a file and save it on a flash drive then this section is the place to store data, typically also used in digital cameras.
5) This device generates 12 MHz signal from the main device and the control device data output to a phase locking ..
6) The indicator light is used to indicate the transfer of data or any data is read and written data.
7) Indicates whether the device is in the mode of "write-protection" or not.
8) The blank space provided for one additional flash memory, and can be used to store more data as needed.

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