1. Prehistoric Period
In this day and age, information technology and communications made by humans serve as a system for the recognition of human forms known. To illustrate the information obtained, they describe it on the walls of the cave on hunting and prey animals. At this time, people began to identify objects that are around their neighborhood, then describe it in the wall of the cave where he lives. Their initial communication in this age range in the form of voice only grunts and use hand signals.
In prehistoric times began to be created and used tools that produce sounds and gestures, such as drums, trumpets made of animal horns, and smoke cues as a means of giving warning of danger.
Piktografi |
For the first time, the writing used by the Sumerians using symbols formed from piktografi as letters. Symbols or letters is also to have a sound (mention) are different so that they can be words, sentences, and language.
b. 2900 BC
Hieroglif |
In 2900 BC, the ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics is a language of symbols, where each phrase is represented by a different symbol. If these symbols are combined into one circuit, it will produce a different meaning. Hieroglyphic writing and the language is more advanced than Sumerian writing.
Serat Papyrus |
c. 500 BC
In 500 BC, people have to know how to make papyrus fibers from trees growing around the river Nile. Papyrus fibers can be used as paper. Paper made from papyrus tree fibers become a medium for writing or media to convey information that is more powerful and flexible than the previous slab of clay is also used as a medium of information.
d. 105 M
The Chinese papers found |
At this time, the Chinese managed to find the paper. The paper discovered by the Chinese in this period is the paper we know today. This paper made from bamboo fibers are crushed, filtered, washed, and then flattened and dried. The present invention also allows the printing system is done by using a wooden block ditoreh and covered by ink or as we know it with the cap system.
2. The Modern Period (1400 AD s.d. Now)
a. In 1455
In 1455, for the first time Johann Gutenberg developed the printing press by using the letter plate made of iron and can be changed in a frame made of wood.
b. 1830
Augusta Lady Byron wrote the first computer program in the world. He worked with Charles Babbage's analytical engines designed to be able to enter data, process data, and produces output in the form of a card. This machine is known as the first form of digital computers, although how it works is more mechanical than is digital.
c. in 1837
Telegraph and inventor (Samuel Morse) |
d. 1877
In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell invented and developed the first phone that is used in general. In 1879, the telephone dialing system began using numbers that replaces the system call name. This prevents the operator is not familiar with all the customers. Telephone numbering system using letters and numbers, where phone numbers using a system of two letters and five digits.
e. 1889
Perforation card |
In 1889, Herman Hollerith applies the principle of perforated cards to perform calculations. His first task is to find a faster way to perform calculations for the US Census Bureau. Census conducted in 1880 took seven years to complete the calculation. With growing population, the Census Bureau estimated that it would take ten years to complete the census count.
Hollerith using perforated cards to enter census data which is then processed by the tool mechanically. A card can store up to 80 variables. By using these tools, the census can be completed within six weeks. Besides having the advantage in the areas of speed, the card serves as data storage. The error rate calculation can also be reduced drastically.
f. 1931
In 1931, Vannevar Bush created a calculator to solve differential equations. The machine could solve complex differential equations that is considered complicated by the students. The machine is very large and heavy as hundreds of teeth and shaft needed to perform calculations.
g. In 1939
In 1939, Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry assisted by successfully creating the first digital electronic computer. Since this time, the computer continues to experience growth to become increasingly sophisticated. Regarding the history of computer development is described in the next section.
h. Year 1973 - 1990
At this time, the term Internet was introduced in a paper on TCP / IP. Literally, the internet (interconnected networking) is defined as a series of computers connected in a series. The series centers that make up the Internet began in 1969 as the ARPANET was built by ARPA (United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Some initial investigations contributed by the ARPANET of which is kaedah circuit without center (Decentralised network), queuing theory, and rules exchange packets (packet switching).
In 1981, the National Science Foundation to develop a backbone called CSNET 56 Kbps capacity for each institution in the government.
On January 1, 1983, the ARPANET protocol to exchange a series of head, from NCP to TCP / IP. This is the beginning of the Internet as we know it. Later in 1986, the IETF developed a server that serves as a means of coordination among DARPA, the ARPANET, DDN, and Internet Gateway. In the 1990s, the Internet has evolved and many users connect computer networks that exist.
i. 1991 - Present
Business systems in the IT field first occurs when CERN charge a fee from the members to cope with the cost of operations. In 1992, the community began to form the Internet and the introduction of the World Wide Web (www) by CERN. In 1993, NSF established InterNIC to provide services regarding internet directories and data storage as well as a database (by AT & T), registration services (by Network Solutions Inc.), and information services (by General Atomics / CERFNET). In 1994, the growth of the Internet drove very fast and began reaching into many aspects of human life and to be a part that can not be separated from humans. In 1995, public companies began to be allowed into the provider to purchase at the backbone network. This step initiates the development of information technology, especially the Internet and research to develop systems and tools that are more sophisticated.
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